The Dictionary of the New Testament Use of the Old Testament by G. K. Beale, D. A. Carson, Benjamin L. Gladd, Andrew David Naselli, published by Baker Academic, offers an insightful exploration of the intricate relationship between the Old and New Testaments. This scholarly work, edited by a team of reputable theologians, delves into the nuanced ways in which the New Testament authors engaged with and interpreted the Old Testament scriptures.

The strength of this dictionary lies in its meticulous attention to detail and its commitment to providing thorough explanations. The entries are organized alphabetically, making it easy to navigate, and each one is a treasure trove of information. For instance, when examining the entry on “covenant,” Beale and Gladd unravel the theological significance of this term across various biblical texts. They highlight its continuity and development, shedding light on the interconnectedness of God’s covenants throughout salvation history (Page 145).

One of the highlights of the book is its ability to bridge the gap between scholarship and accessibility. While it caters to scholars and seminarians, it is equally valuable for pastors and lay readers seeking a deeper understanding of the Bible. The contributors strike a delicate balance, presenting profound insights without overwhelming the reader with overly technical language. This makes it a valuable resource for anyone desiring a more profound grasp of the biblical narrative.

The dictionary is not merely a collection of disconnected entries; it unfolds as a coherent narrative of the unfolding redemptive plan of God. Carson and Naselli, in their entry on “kingdom of God,” articulate the biblical trajectory of this theme, demonstrating its central place in both the Old and New Testaments. The authors skillfully connect the dots, illustrating the seamless integration of these two major sections of the Bible (Page 287).

The theological richness of the dictionary is evident in its treatment of Messianic prophecies. Beale, known for his expertise in this area, provides insightful commentary on the ways in which the New Testament authors understood and applied Old Testament prophecies concerning the Messiah. The entry on “Messiah” (Page 310) is a prime example of this, demonstrating how the New Testament writers saw Jesus as the fulfillment of God’s redemptive promises.

While the dictionary excels in its comprehensive coverage, it also acknowledges the diversity of perspectives within the Christian tradition. The entry on “atonement,” for instance, presents various views held by scholars and theologians throughout history, allowing readers to engage with the theological dialogue that has shaped the Church’s understanding of this crucial doctrine (Page 41).

In conclusion, Dictionary of the New Testament Use of the Old Testament is an indispensable resource for anyone serious about studying the intertextual connections between the Old and New Testaments. Its careful scholarship, accessibility, and theological depth make it a valuable addition to the library of pastors, scholars, and students alike.

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I received Dictionary of the New Testament Use of the Old Testament by Baker Academic for the purpose of an unbiased review. I have not received any compensation for providing a positive review. My opinions are entirely my own and reflect my sincere evaluation of the book.

Title: Dictionary of the New Testament Use of the Old Testament
Author: G. K. Beale, D. A. Carson, Benjamin L. Gladd, Andrew David Naselli
Publisher: Baker Academic